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Re: WC F3K 2017 - Lviv Ukrajina

pon 31.07.2017 23:55

Tak ještě jedna fotka. Zatím bez placek na krku:)

Re: WC F3K 2017 - Lviv Ukrajina

úte 01.08.2017 12:55

Velká gratulace pánové. V drsných podmínkách a silné konkurenci, je to skvělý výsledek a odměna za trénování i investice v minulých letech.
Moc bych všem reprezentantům přál, aby se jim povedlo to co týmu F5D v roce 2016.

Re: WC F3K 2017 - Lviv Ukrajina

stř 02.08.2017 8:17

Chlapi gratulujem a teším sa na ďalšiu súťaž :D

Re: WC F3K 2017 - Lviv Ukrajina

úte 08.08.2017 22:48

Velmi zajímavý pohled na počasí a výskyt termiky na mistrovství zkopirovany
z rcgroups:

I can tell you the weather at this years WC was NOT typical European weather nor was it typical to anywhere else... I have been to a few places and this field was VERY difficult to read, much more than you would expect from a first glance. The trees upwind were not that many or close together to have such an affect on the field. Only later did I understand that there was a draining ditch on both sides of the road next to the trees which caused the thermals upwind to release in front of the trees and left the field with very little low altitude air and what was left was unorganized and brocken up. Ground signs were usually not pointing straight at the thermal as the field was "warping" the flow of air as you went higher. 
Bottom line at this feild was that higher launchers had much better chances as the air they would join would be stronger and less broken up by the obstacles upwind and they would have more altitude to join air as it was getting marked by other pilots. Joining a thermal 10 meters higher was night and day at this field...
The fact that this WC was dominated by younger, stronger launchers shows that launch height was VERY important, not enough to make the flyoffs but very important as height gives more time to correct mistakes and save flights from bad decisions. 

It will be interesting to see where the next worlds will be.
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